Hi, I'm Nathan, nice to meet you!
I'm happily married to my best friend; we have an amazing little boy, a wonderful baby girl, and the cutest dog in the world. We live near a beautiful nature preserve in Troy, Ohio.
I'm a Christian and a minister for the Lord Jesus Christ. If you ever need anything, I'd be more than happy to provide prayer and support.
I currently work at FullStory. Prior to that I founded ◢ Incline and worked at IBM Watson, Tanium, and several other places.
See my about page for a little more on my personal life, or take a look at my portfolio, Tech Blog for more work/computer-y stuff.

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And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
Philippians 4:8, New Living Translation
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Fixing USB-C charging on the PowKiddy V90 for $0.01
The PowKiddy V90 is an awesome little Linux-powered handheld gaming device. It's reminiscent of a Game Boy Advance SP, and it is capable of emulating most GBA games, in addition to many other consoles including NES, SNES, Genesis, and even some PS1 games!
I love mine, but it's not without it's flaws. The Miyoo custom firmware fixes many of it's issues, but it's inability to charge from a standard USB Type-C ports is a hardware bug. So, it's time to break out the multimeter, soldering iron, and USB-C specification!
DIY ESP8266 ESP-01 Programing / Test board
NodeMCU and other ESP8266 modules are starting to become very popular because they offer an embedded development platform with a CPU+RAM+Storage+WiFi all in one for (considerably) less than the price of an Arduino. There are a number of breadboard-friendly modules with all pins exposed (and more coming soon.)
However, this post is about the breadboard-unfriendly ESP-01 module. It only has two GPIO pins (four if you include the TX & RX pins), but it's smaller and most importantly, cheaper.
Using an Arduino and an IR Shield to connect a TV and Sound Bar
"Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory." That summarizes Samsung's implementation of HDMI CEC ("Anynet+") in their "Smart" TVs - everything works except the power button.
However, with help from an Arduino and an IR Shield, I was able to add in the missing parts and make things work properly.
Automatically unit testing client-side JavaScript with Jasmine and Node.js
At Sociable Labs, we have hundreds JavaScript unit tests that run on every checkin. They output a JUnit-compatible report that Bamboo can use to track stats and email us if anything failed. Here’s how we do it.
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